CoRayVac Continuous Radiant Heater Tube System

A Great, Energy-Efficient Radiant Heater

CORAYVAC® is an energy efficient system due to its vacuum operated, burners-in-series design, combined with its ability to condense. Lowering exhaust temperatures puts more heat in the space, less wasted through the exhaust, helping result in additional energy efficiency and fuel savings.

CORAYVAC® burners regulate the air-to-gas mixture to help achieve the optimum ratio for clean, efficient combustion. Models are available with inputs of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 kW. Burner features include: three-try, direct spark ignition, pre-purge, filtered combustion air and cast-iron burner head.


Durable & Ergonomic Radiant Heater Design

Deep-dish, continuous aluminium reflectors help maximise reflection of the energy emitted by the radiant tube down to the floor. End caps and continuous reflectors help keep tube convective heat loss to a minimum and help heat exchangers maintain heat. The system utilises heat treated aluminised steel tube which radiates the warm, gentle, radiant energy.

The continuous CORAYVAC® system is an excellent way to maximize heat distribution to virtually eliminate hot spots and provide the utmost in comfort. The combination of gentle, even heat results in one of the most efficient and effective gas-fired, low-intensity, Radiant Heating Systems in the industry today.

This custom engineered system can provide virtually an unlimited number of design options. In addition, multiple burners per pump result in reduced building penetrations and installation costs.

  • High energy efficiency aluminium reflector
  • Continuous heat radiant tube system
  • Bespoke heat system design
  • Over 91% net energy efficiency

Additional information

Fuels Available

LPG, Natural Gas

Models Available

10kW to 30kW


Please speak to a member of our design team.