Autobody Workshop Heating Solutions
Workshop Heating Designed to Suit You
When investing in a new autobody workshop heating system, we know that there are many specialist elements to take into consideration. Our engineers are likely to make different workshop heating equipment recommendations based on the unique operation of your premises.
We understand that autobody workshops and garages are required to have consistent ventilation poilicies and are prone to regular footfall via the opening and closing of large shutter doors. As a result of this, you could be losing a large amount of heat through these openings - your current form of autobody workshop heating may not suffice and you may be spending more on your energy bills.
At Combat, we work to design a workshop heating solution that tackles inefficient, heat loss issues, regardless of the size of your commercial premises. Our heating systems are specifically designed to provide optimal, energy efficient systems that aim to avoid costly and excessive power consumption.
Our Sales Managers carry a wealth of knowledge in the workshop l heating sector and are equipped with the tools necessary to determine the most energy efficient way to heat your premises.
Combat Heating Solutions offer a wide range of industrial heating solutions to suit your Garage, Workshop or Auto Dealership. We can provide Warm Air Heaters or Radiant Heating Systems to suit your building whatever your size and requirements.
If you think your commercial premises would benefit from a free site survey or have any questions regarding our services, please contact us via email ([email protected])or telephone (0121 506 7700) - we’d love to partner with you to find a suitable heating solution.